Mirror Drill

Mirror Drill – Agility Training

This page provides details for the “Mirror Drill”. This is a technique used by martial artists to improve their martial arts agility and reaction speed.

Mirror drills help to improve a martial artist’s ability to quickly react to an opponent’s movements. This helps martial artists to evade an opponent’s attack or get open in order to launch their own counter attack (i.e. moving laterally in order to avoid an opponent’s blow and thus being able to quickly launch an effective counter attack against an off-balance opponent).

All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. For additional agility drills (i.e. agility ladder drills), please visit the main Martial Arts Agility section.

Technique Instructions

  • Get a partner and have them move in different directions within a specified area.
  • You will have to face your partner and try to copy their movements (i.e. you are their reflection in a mirror).
  • Your partner should try to “beat” you (where they try to cause you to fail in your mirroring attempt) by throwing in fake side movements, stutter steps, etc.

Instructional Videos for Agility Mirror Drills