
Nanquan – A Wushu Taolu (or Form)

Nanquan (or Nan Quan) is a southern boxing style of taolu (form). This taolu focuses on unarmed combat versus some other taolu that use swords or spears.

In international competitions, taolu routines on the junior level are “compulsory” whereas each athlete performs identical movements and sequences. On the senior level events, taolu routines are competed by using optional or “self choreographed” routines (so they often contain much more acrobatic moves and taolu routines can differ between each athlete).

For other taolu, please visit the main Martial Arts Forms section.

Video of Nanquan – 3rd International Compulsory Wushu Taolu Routine

Video of Junior Level Nanquan – Wushu Taolu

Video of Junior Level Nanquan – Wushu Taolu

Video of Senior Level Nanquan – Wushu Taolu

Video of Senior Level Nanquan – Wushu Taolu