List of Martial Arts Jokes

Here are ton of family friendly martial arts jokes. Use them to entertain your fellow martial artists… or irritate your kids (i.e. That is such a Dad joke). For other fun martial arts jokes, please visit our section on Chuck Norris “Facts” because it has lots of humorous jokes about Chuck Norris’ legendary toughness.

Martial Arts Jokes

  • What do you call a pig that does Karate? Pork Chop
  • What do you call a sheep that does Karate? Lamb Chop
  • What type of martial arts does a monkey practice? Kong-Fu
  • What type of martial arts do British people like? Kara-Tea
  • What do you call a red-haired kid who is excellent at karate? The Carroty Kid
  • What happened when the black belt joined the military? The first time he saluted, he knocked himself out.
  • Knock. Knock. Who’s there? Sensei. Sensei who? I sensei bad joke coming.
  • What is the favorite drink of martial artists? Punch
  • What martial arts came from Sweden? Ikea-Do
  • What vegetable knows Kung Fu? Broc-Lee
  • What is a martial artist’s favorite part of a joke? The punch line


Humorous Judo Video