Seido Juku

Seido Juku Karate

Seido Juku Karate (or Seido Karate) is a sub-style of Karate. It was formed in 1976 by Tadashi Nakamura.

According to the World Seido Karate Organization, Seido Juku is “now a worldwide organization, with thriving branches throughout the United States and in such diverse places as Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America. Nevertheless, within Seido, growth of our branch schools is not pursued for its own sake. Quality of instruction and development of the student is paramount. The physical training in Seido can be strenuous, emphasizing progressive development of strength, flexibility and aerobic capacity. In addition to developing students with the highest level of physical skill, Seido aims to develop individuals of the highest moral character.”

Elements of Seido

  • Basic Techniques – Kicks, Strikes, Stances, etc.
  • Kata
  • Kumite (Sparring)
  • Mediation
  • Self-Defense

Demonstration Video of World Seido Karate


  1. World Seido Karate Organization,