Leg Grab – Defense While On Ground (with Hook or Heel Kick)

There are times when a person is knocked to the ground and the attacker has grabbed the victim’s ankle or leg. This is a dangerous position as the attacker could attempt to flip the victim over and jump on their back. Therefore, many martial arts styles practice self-defense techniques in order to escape ground-based assaults. For information on other martial arts kicks (i.e. axe kick), please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main kicking techniques page.

In Krav Maga, students are taught that one possible way to escape this situation is to use a hook or heel kick. While lying on their back, the student will roll and kick away the hands of the attacker (see video below). A hook or heel kick is useful when the student has been turned almost on to his/her stomach. Another method taught by Krav Maga is to use a roundhouse kick if the student is still on their back. Once a student kicks away the hands, they must quickly get up off the ground in order to escape or better defend themselves. Therefore, Krav Maga students also practice how to get back up from the ground versus an attacker.

Martial arts kicks and all other martial arts techniques should only be practiced under the supervision of a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. In addition, all martial arts techniques and training should be used safely and responsibly.

Leg Grab Defense – Hook or Heel Kick