How To Get Back Up From The Ground – Krav Maga

This page looks at how Krav Maga students are taught to get back up from the ground. Martial artists practice this self-defense technique in order to simulate being knocked to the ground and quickly getting back up. This puts the martial artist in a better position to escape or defend themselves. For information on other Krav Maga techniques (i.e. kicks), please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main Krav Maga Techniques section.

This information is meant to supplement what is taught at Krav Maga schools. To properly understand these techniques, you need to learn them from a certified Krav Maga instructor who can give an in-depth explanation of the technique, correct your mistakes and detail how the technique should be utilized. All martial arts techniques should only be practiced under the supervision of a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. In addition, all martial arts techniques and training should be used safely and responsibly.


  • If a martial artist has been knocked to the ground and is unable to get back up safely (because they are under pressure from an attacker), they will stay on their back with their feet pointed towards the attacker. This will allow them to deliver kicks if the attacker tries to assault them.
  • They will pivot on the floor (while on their back) in order to keep their feet pointed towards the attacker (in case the attacker circles around them looking for an opening for a strike).
  • In this position, one leg should be chambered for kicks and other leg braced on the floor as a base.
  • Kicks that can be used while in this position include ground-based round kicksground-based front kicks and ground-based side kicks.
  • Post the “base” foot close to hip with same-side hand extended for protection.
  • Chamber other foot to kick at the assailant’s knee, shin or face if assailant moves too close. A successful kick against the attacker could provide room in order to get-up.
  • Post other hand on floor close to other hip.
  • Lift hips off floor to give room for striking foot to swing through and to prepare for getting up.
  • Lift rear hand off floor and rise to fighting stance.
  • Get up quickly in order to avoid an attack during this transition phase.
  • Keep lead hand up throughout in order to protect against the attacker’s strikes.

Krav Maga – How To Get Back Up From Ground