Knee Strike

Martial Arts Front Knee Strike

This page provides details on the martial arts forward or front knee strike. Also visit the Black Belt Wiki page about the round knee strike. Knee strikes are used when you are too close to an opponent to use a regular kick. You will often see mixed martial arts and Muay Thai fighters use knee strikes when they are grappling with an opponent.

For more instructions on different martial arts kicks, please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main section on  Martial Arts Kicks. To learn about other types of knee strikes (i.e the knee bomb), please visit our section on List of Martial Arts Knee Strikes.

Martial arts knee strikes and all other martial arts techniques should only be practiced under the supervision of a trained martial arts instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. In addition, all martial arts techniques should be used safely and responsibly.

YouTube Video on Mixed Martial Arts Knee Strikes