
Slipping – Boxing & Martial Arts Technique

This page focuses on the boxing “Slipping” or “Slip” technique used to avoid a punch. In many martial arts, students are taught to block a punch or kick. However, it is often more effective to “dodge” and avoid a punch or kick (and thus avoiding potential damage to the blocking arm).

The boxing “slipping” technique involves moving the head while standing to avoid a punch. While slipping, there should only be a modest side to side movement of the head in order not to throw the fighter off-balance. This technique also usually involves slightly bending one knee and rotating the body (in order to help the head to avoid the punch).

In contrast, the bob and weave technique involves using the knees in order to duck under a punch or a partner’s punching/focus mitt while simultaneously moving the head & upper body to avoid the punch or punching/focus mitt. Slipping and the bob & weave are usually used together in order to evade an attack.

Instructional Videos on the Slipping Technique