Karate Kick – Yoko Geri Keage (Side Snap Kick)

This page provides details on the Karate kicking technique known as Yoko Geri Keage (or Side Snap Kick). In this kick, you hit with the side of your foot. The Yoko Geri Keage is often used to strike an opponent’s chin.

For additional Karate kicking techniques, visit our main Karate Kicks page. For instructions on different kicks used by other martial arts styles, please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main Martial Arts Kicking Techniques page.

Instructional Video for Yoko Geri Keage (Side Snap Kick)

Instructional Video for Yoko Geri Keage (Side Snap Kick)

Karate Sensei Demonstrating Yoko Geri Keage (Side Snap Kick)